Non-Surgical Treatment for Back Pain with Right Diagnosis and Recovery

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    Know when to consult a QI Spine Specialist for your Back Pain

    41531854 qi plus sign 16 x 16 When back pain keeps returning frequently.
    41531854 qi plus sign 16 x 16 When the pain in the back persists for more than 6 weeks.
    41531854 qi plus sign 16 x 16 When the pain in back radiates to your arms or legs.
    41531854 qi plus sign 16 x 16 When back pain hampers your daily activities like walking, sitting and bending.
    41531854 qi plus sign 16 x 16 When pain is accompanied by loss of bladder control.
    41531854 qi plus sign 16 x 16 When you have been advised surgery.

    Specialised recovery programme to avoid Back Surgery

    India’s leading back & neck clinic for diagnosis & non-surgical treatment of severe spine problems

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    The QI Approach

    4-step personalised solution for pain reduction & management of Back Pain led by Experts & Data Intelligence
    d49a2ab8 spine cell repair 10ce08800000000000001o

    1. Spine Cell Repair

    Reduce pain & Repair damaged cells
    79bc1873 dsa 10ce0890ce08800000001o

    2. Digital Spine Analysis

    For accurate diagnosis
    66ae28fd isolation treatment 10ce08a0ce08800000101o

    3. Isolation treatment

    For 3X better results
    93d473bd recurrence mgmt 10ce08a0ce08800000101o

    4. Recurrence management

    To prevent future aches and fractures

    Know which Treatment Technology is right for your Back Pain and how can it help you

    12000+ patients on Google review rated us  4c36a126 4 7 star 103y01b000000000000028

    Sunita Patil

    I was suffering from low back pain was not able to sit more than 10min was not able to walk more than 20min. But after taking treatment at QI am able to more than 45min.

    Shahid Khan

    Good staff with nice & polite behaviour. Dedicated doctors with experience. It’s good to have clinics like QI to cure patients without any surgery, medications and more detailed then X-rays & MRIs. 

    Our Team

    Our Doctors (PT) hold fellowships in Orthopedics and have 9000+ hours of specialistaion in treating mechanical issues of spine
    7c20347c doctors group 10qo0ht00000000000001o

    Consult a QI Spine Specialist today


    Call us on +918035216492 or Leave your details below

    Clinic working hours 8:00 am to 8:00 pm